Quick menu module instructions: (by N Hawthorn 10/6/91)
This module was created by Noam Freedman and modified for release by N Hawthorn.
You must name the menu module to a different name for each menu. The ID # must be different than any other too.
Use ResEdit to do all this. Later a easy way to do this will be found.
You need to put the folder "menus" into the "1 BBS" folder, or the same folder as MUBBS. It must be called "menus".
The file in the folder "menus" called "menu1.info", contains the info needed for the menu module to call another module.
The first line is ONE character only ! It's the character the user will push to get this choice.
The next line is the name of the module to call if this choice is selected.
There is a MAXIMUM of 20 selections that can be selected. Do not exceed this ! (MUBBS menus are suposto be short anyway). If you put the wrong name, you'll know it !
Don't forget Quit and Logoff, they are keywords (not actual modules) that are part of the menu module. It detects them and either quit or cause a logoff. If you don't want to include Logoff in your menu, just don't. But you need quit if you want to return back to the previous module.
The words "logoff" and "quit" in the ".info" file are in LOWERCASE ONLY !!
You could use any character for the user to select as logoff, such as "G" for goodbye, but the word "logoff" must be used in the ".info" file. The letters "Q" and "L" are standard for Quit and Logoff in MUBBS and you should try to stick to these.
The "selection" characters must be in UPPERCASE it the ".info" file. If you are the FIRST module called from MUBBS, Quitting would cause a logoff anyway, so just supply logoff only in that menu.
The file "menu1.txt" is the menu, in text format. The file "menu1.ansi" is the menu for ANSI codes if the user selected ANSI on mode.
All files are text only files. You should use something like "jolliwrite" (a D/A) to edit these files.
If you name your menu module "joe", then the files in the "menus" folder named "joe.info" and "joe.txt" will be used for that menu.
A menu module can call another menu module, but DON'T call YOUR MENU MODULE or suffer a endless loop and weird effects !